I never knew eyes can be this deep, like an ocean .
Standing under the cold shower
Nimart's mind recalled those words continously like a pure chanting mantra. For someone who was always deprived of love , ignored all her life with no body on her side . These words imprinted in her mind like a tattoo sending tingles to her body .
Its ironic for her since even after knowing that her love , loves someone else that too her step sister and that he will never see her feelings loving her is not even a question . Still even after all this her stupid heart beats for her , even after knowing that he will be never hers she still has submitted herself to him. Nimrat smiled sadly remembering her conversation with khushi .
"Why are you doing this to yourself Niru" Khushi asked her as they sat in library.
"What do you mean khusha?" Khushi sighed seeing her avoiding the question and that small smile on her face only intensified her feelings.
"Stop it Nimrat . Stop doing this to yourself , stop loving Yuvaan- Calming herself down a little , khushi held her hands giving them a firm squeeze as she continued- he don't deserve your love , he only deserve that bitch Misha so please stop getting hurt and stop loving him. It hurts , hurts to see you like this"
All this while Nimrat remained distanced , her eyes showing nothing as if she don't want people to see her naked feelings. As if she is scared that her emotions might destroy her ownself.
Khushi's eyes brimmed as she eyed her bestfriend, the girl who used to be the most bubbly girl with her bubbly nature and her pure heart . She was happy . Very happy but now that girl is lost . It feels like that bubbly girl is lost somewhere. Somewhere so far that even after searching she don't want herself to be found .
"I and Veer promised aunty Nimu , she wanted you to spend your life your happy moments with the person who will cherish , who will love you like no one else did. Who will love you like she loved you and we promised her to fulfill her last wish and now when we see you like this . It tear us apart" Nimrat gazed at the girl sitting infront of her with tears brimming in her eyes . Her bestfriend.
Slowly wiping the tear which flowed from her eye , she smiled at her sadly.
"You know Khusha maa used to tell me that when a person see their closest person in someone else that is the moment when they fall in love" Khushi looked at her with a small smile as she saw that small sparkle in her eyes.
"And you know why I fell in love with yuvaan.........because I saw my maa in him" Nimrat's smile grew wide as she confessed .
"I know that he don't love me and will never love me but for me my love for him is enough . He has became my drug , so intoxicating but still feels like heaven . Just like a gush of cold breeze shivering me to the core but still soothing my every sense.
My love for him is my only identity left with me and I want it to remain like that forever"
Flashback ends.
Nimrat flinched a little hearing the continuous knocks on her door. Yelling a small coming she dried herself and wearing her clothes quickly which included a simple cotton white kurti , she made her way to the door opening it only to see Misha standing there with a sinister smirk on her face and a bag in her hand.
Clutching the fabric of her kurti she looked at her "what are you doing here" but Nimrat's question left unanswered when Misha made her way inside the room ignoring her question .
"I have a surprise for you my dear sister" Misha spoke making herself comfortable on the couch .
Releasing a shuddering breadth , Nimrat looked at her. Scared , because whenever Misha talked to her like this there was always a destruction waiting for her . Just like last time when she came to know that her mother died and her father married his girlfriend.
Taking a deep breadth she looked asked her "What are you talking about?"
"Do you know why do I hate you so much?" And again her question was answered by another question as Misha stood up and said while taking her steps towards her.
"Because you chose to love my Yuvaan" Nimrat's breadth caught in her throat as she processed her words . She knew that Misha was known to the fact that she loved him but she didn't know that this was the reason she hated her .
"Ever since we were children you got everything. Be it your so called looks or the attention of boys whom I liked , even Yuvaan was so fucking attracted towards you . You have always been the destroyer Nimrat , you destroyed your mother's life by coming in this world and you are destroying my life by being in it" All the words drained out of her mouth like venom poisoning her till the core.
Her biggest trauma , her biggest fear was being yelled out loud on her face . Her maa , her everything fell in love with her father when they were in college . They happily got married but they say that happiness doesn't last long in good people's life and that is what happened . Her grandmother Rakhi Batra was an orthodox minded lady . Nimrat's mother was not her choice for her son and it was rather her beatfriend's daughter,Β Nandini Kundra whom she wanted as her daughter-in-law but seeing her son's happiness she acceptedΒ Shrishti as her daughter-in-law .
Soon Shrishti got pregnant with Nimrat and that is when everything started . Rakhi wanted a grandson to carry their business but instead a granddaughter was born . She was not happy but rather furious when she found out that Shrishti would not get pregnant due to some problems .
And that is when she decided to plot everything.Β From brewing hate in her son's heart for Shrishti to getting him married with another girl , her beatfriend's daughter who was divorced with one daughter of Nimrat's age .
Nimrat's whole world shattered infront of her own eyes when she found her maa leaving this world , seeing her love marring another women .
She blamed it all on her , her father becoming a monster infront of her eyes and her mother leaving her . She was guilty , she is living in that undying guilt which is suffocating her every day . She wants to take her life , she wants to leave this world and go to her maa , the only person who loved her truly but only one person is keeping her at bay . Her step-brother . Pratik Batra . The only person who love her after her mother.
"Don't waste these tears of yours Nimrat . Save them because from now on you are going to shed them and no one is going to be there to help you" Misha screeching voice resonated in whole room making Nimrat shudder as she lifted her bloodshot eyes to look at her .
"Yes my dear sister , this time I won't let you win because this time I will make sure to destroy you completely.Β You will be live but I will make sure to kill you from inside" Misha spoke forwarding the bag towards her who stood there motionless.
Taking the bag from her she opened it only to find a simple yet beautiful dress inside .
"What is this for?" She whispered but Misha's next words left her dead filling her with numbness and huge coldness inside.
"I and Yuvaan are getting married after three days and tonight is our engagement so be ready and please come"
This chapter is not that good and I am so sorry for thatΒ but it is important for further story.
One more thing sugars , I have seen alot of authors doing this so tell me-
-your favorite thing about this story and about this chapter if there is any.
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